Sunset of Gold: Sofala and Wattle Flat, 1860-1914

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Sunset of Gold: Sofala and Wattle Flat, 1860-1914

Brian Hodge. Cambaroora Star Publications, Hill End, N.S.W, 1998. viii, 82 p. : ill., map, ports. ; 30 cm

Sunset of Gold was well received when it was originally published in 1998 and quickly sold out. Recently a small supply of copies of this book was made available to the Hill End & Tambaroora Gathering Group as part of Brian’s bequest.

Sunset of Gold continues the story of Sofala and Wattle Flat that local author, Brian Hodge outlined in his previous work, Frontiers of Gold, and covers the period 1861 to 1914, when Sofala’s mining finished when the dredges left the Turon. In chapters covering the economic, social, and political scene he explains how various factors influenced the pace of the decline. It includes sections on the social life, education and communications in the area during this period.
This book is rich in eyewitness accounts, memoirs, letters and speeches which makes the book very readable as it is as much about people as economics and ideas.

There are a limited number of copies of this title left. Order your copy now!